Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reflections for Term 3

In term 3, we touched on Chemistry and Biology. I have looked forward to this day ever since I started secondary school. Chemistry is very interesting, it talks about chemicals, reaction and the elements in the world. I was amazed how some chemicals can be of so much use to us. At first, I did not know iodine can be used as an anti-septic lotion, neither did I know magnesium can be used to create distress flames.

Other than that, the experiments in this term were more fufilling. Seperation techniques is not an easy topic to master as it requires alot of memorising and the points in the text books were not easy to comprehend. But the experiments have definitely helped us understand the concepts a lot better.

In conclusion, this term was very fun and I look forward to more experiemts in Term 4.

Reflections for Practical 1P2 : Hot stuff

In pratical number 1P2, we finally had the chance to experiment with the bunsen burner. Before that, we were taught how to use it but never had a chance until this lesson.

I felt privileged because we had no chance to do that in primary school. May be the teachers in primary school associated bunsen burner with "playing with fire". I was all eager to try it because as children we were told to stay far far away from fire.

This practical satisfied my craving. But before we started, we had to take various safety precautions like wearing safety goggles.

Everything turned out fine so I guessed schools should start to introduce such experiments to the students in the upper primary once in a while. I believe they will benefit form it.

Reflections for Practical 1P4 : Observing and Recording

Pratical no. 1P4 left a very deep impression on me.

In 1P4, we were asked to follow the steps to do 5 different chemistry experiments and to record our observations on our worksheet. I love laboratory work but this practical was the best so far. It was an eye-opening experience for me.

We did the experiments before Ms Leong taught us the topic which was good because I was more interested and learning more than mere class room lectures. I kept thinking " Why does it react this way? ".

Because I enjoyed doing experiments, I was less afraid of Chemistry now. Before that, I used to hear from the seniors that chemistry is the hardest subject and very difficult to score. The hands-on experience at the laboratory changed my whole perception. Contrary to what the seniors said, chemistry is interesting.

Where the subject is new, I think that the school should look at ways to arouse the students' interest in the subject first. I have benefited and I can't imagine how it would turn out if there was only lectures and no laboratory work for chemistry lessons.

Doing experiment is fun and help me learn better.